A useful reference: winfs
Sylvain Pasche
2005-11-15 13:42:21 UTC

I've been following the Tenor project recently and I read the paper
there: http://websvn.kde.org/*checkout*/trunk/playground/base/tenor/docs/tenor-architecture.pdf?rev=475778

By looking at the references section, I did not see a reference to
WinFS. I think it may be a valuable source of information (apart from
the fact that it comes from Redmond ;-) ), which may give answers to
some of the questions appearing on the list recently. For instance,
they have a concept of pre-defined schema and a feature rich API for
querying and browsing data. They also have a notion of Relationship
between items.

Unfortunately, now that they postponed Winfs from longhorn, they
removed the API section on the MSDN site, it seems to be only
available on the WinFS Beta 1 release.

Hope that helps,

