2006-07-28 06:55:56 UTC
Proposals Submission Deadline: 10/1/2006
Full Chapters Due: 1/31/2007
Emerging Technologies for Semantic Work Environments:
Techniques, Methods, and Applications
A book edited by Joerg Rech, Bjoern Decker, and Eric Ras,
Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE), Germany
Today?s work is characterized by a high degree of innovation and thus
demands a good overview of relevant knowledge about the world as well as the
organization. However, quick innovation cycles as well as time pressure
drives the trend away from classical searches to a context sensitive,
pro-active information offering. Semantic Work Environments (SWE) such as
such as Semantic Wikis or Semantic Desktops applications support the work of
the user by collecting knowledge about the current needs in a specific
activity, and by providing processed and improved knowledge that can be
integrated into current work.
SWEs such as Semantic Wikis combine the strengths of Semantic Web and Wiki
Technology - typically for a specific application domain such as requirement
engineering - and represent the "semantic web in the small". Instead of
making all content in the internet machine readable (i.e., "semantic web in
the large") the SWE approach tackles the problem on a smaller, more focused
scale. SWEs will play an important role for knowledge storage, acquisition,
and processing for specific application domains and enable the widespread
use of automated inference mechanisms on top of the semantic information.
Book Objectives & Mission
The objective of this book is to provide an overall view of the field of
semantic work environments by bringing together various research studies,
presumably in different subfields, and underlining the similarities between
the different processes, issues, and approaches. The book?s mission is to
give a clear description of the fundamentals in semantic work environments
theory, filling the gap in the literature, and to provide concrete results
from applications and prototypes of semantic work environments in industry.
The area is wide and entails many facets that the book must clarify,
* differences and similarities between traditional and semantic work
* identification of requirements and quality aspects of semantic work
* design and development of semantic work environments,
* evaluation of semantic work environments,
* reports on the state-of-the-art regarding semantic work
* investigation on how processes affect the quality in semantic work
Additionally, this book will provide a compendium of definitions and
explanations of main terms, concepts, and topics of semantic work
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Introductory Chapters
* State-of-the-art of Semantic Work Environment
* Terminology for Semantic Work Environments
Construction of Semantic Work Environment related Chapters
* Requirements for Semantic Work Environments
* Analysis and Design for Semantic Work Environment
* Semantic Work Environment Project Management
* Seeding / Starting Semantic Work Environments
* Interoperability of Semantic Work Environments
* Connecting Semantic Environment to the Semantic Web in the large
Semantics, Metadata and Data in Semantic Work Environment related Chapters
* Semantics, Metadata, and Ontologies for Semantic Work Environments
* Ontology Development for Semantic Work Environment
* Inference Mechanisms for Semantic Work Environments
* Metadata, Data, and Content Integration for Semantic Work
* Metadata, Data, and Content Exchange for Semantic Work Environments
Quality of Systems and Content in Semantic Work Environment related Chapters
* Quality of Semantic Work Environments
* Quality Metrics on Semantic Work Environments
* Patterns and Anti-Patterns for Semantic Work Environments
* Performance, Optimization, and Tuning of Semantic Work Environments
* Maintaining Semantic Work Environments
Examples and Evidence for Semantic Work Environment related Chapters
* Criteria for Evaluating Semantic Work Environments
* Examples of Semantic Work Environments
* Semantic Work Environment Experiments and Case Studies
* Experiment Designs to Evaluate Semantic Work Environments
Miscellaneous Chapters
* Management of Semantic Work Environments
* Standards and Semantic Work Environments
* Teaching Principles of Semantic Work Environments
Outlook related Chapters
* Semantic Work Environment Trends
* Semantic Work Environments in 5, 10, and 25 years
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before October 1,
2006, a 2-5 page manuscript proposal clearly explaining the mission and
concerns of the proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be
notified by November 1, 2006 about the status of their proposals and sent
chapter organizational guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be
submitted by January 31, 2007. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a
double-blind review basis. The book is scheduled to be published by Idea
Group Inc.,, publisher of the Idea Group
Publishing, Information Science Publishing, IRM Press, CyberTech Publishing
and Idea Group Reference imprints.
Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document) or
by mail to:
Joerg Rech
Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE)
Fraunhofer-Platz 1
67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Tel.: +49 631/6800-2210
Fax.: +49 631/6800-1599
email: joerg.rech at
J?rg Rech
Project Manager and Scientist
Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE)
Tel.: +49 631/6800-2210 email: <mailto:joerg.rech at>
joerg.rech at
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Proposals Submission Deadline: 10/1/2006
Full Chapters Due: 1/31/2007
Emerging Technologies for Semantic Work Environments:
Techniques, Methods, and Applications
A book edited by Joerg Rech, Bjoern Decker, and Eric Ras,
Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE), Germany
Today?s work is characterized by a high degree of innovation and thus
demands a good overview of relevant knowledge about the world as well as the
organization. However, quick innovation cycles as well as time pressure
drives the trend away from classical searches to a context sensitive,
pro-active information offering. Semantic Work Environments (SWE) such as
such as Semantic Wikis or Semantic Desktops applications support the work of
the user by collecting knowledge about the current needs in a specific
activity, and by providing processed and improved knowledge that can be
integrated into current work.
SWEs such as Semantic Wikis combine the strengths of Semantic Web and Wiki
Technology - typically for a specific application domain such as requirement
engineering - and represent the "semantic web in the small". Instead of
making all content in the internet machine readable (i.e., "semantic web in
the large") the SWE approach tackles the problem on a smaller, more focused
scale. SWEs will play an important role for knowledge storage, acquisition,
and processing for specific application domains and enable the widespread
use of automated inference mechanisms on top of the semantic information.
Book Objectives & Mission
The objective of this book is to provide an overall view of the field of
semantic work environments by bringing together various research studies,
presumably in different subfields, and underlining the similarities between
the different processes, issues, and approaches. The book?s mission is to
give a clear description of the fundamentals in semantic work environments
theory, filling the gap in the literature, and to provide concrete results
from applications and prototypes of semantic work environments in industry.
The area is wide and entails many facets that the book must clarify,
* differences and similarities between traditional and semantic work
* identification of requirements and quality aspects of semantic work
* design and development of semantic work environments,
* evaluation of semantic work environments,
* reports on the state-of-the-art regarding semantic work
* investigation on how processes affect the quality in semantic work
Additionally, this book will provide a compendium of definitions and
explanations of main terms, concepts, and topics of semantic work
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Introductory Chapters
* State-of-the-art of Semantic Work Environment
* Terminology for Semantic Work Environments
Construction of Semantic Work Environment related Chapters
* Requirements for Semantic Work Environments
* Analysis and Design for Semantic Work Environment
* Semantic Work Environment Project Management
* Seeding / Starting Semantic Work Environments
* Interoperability of Semantic Work Environments
* Connecting Semantic Environment to the Semantic Web in the large
Semantics, Metadata and Data in Semantic Work Environment related Chapters
* Semantics, Metadata, and Ontologies for Semantic Work Environments
* Ontology Development for Semantic Work Environment
* Inference Mechanisms for Semantic Work Environments
* Metadata, Data, and Content Integration for Semantic Work
* Metadata, Data, and Content Exchange for Semantic Work Environments
Quality of Systems and Content in Semantic Work Environment related Chapters
* Quality of Semantic Work Environments
* Quality Metrics on Semantic Work Environments
* Patterns and Anti-Patterns for Semantic Work Environments
* Performance, Optimization, and Tuning of Semantic Work Environments
* Maintaining Semantic Work Environments
Examples and Evidence for Semantic Work Environment related Chapters
* Criteria for Evaluating Semantic Work Environments
* Examples of Semantic Work Environments
* Semantic Work Environment Experiments and Case Studies
* Experiment Designs to Evaluate Semantic Work Environments
Miscellaneous Chapters
* Management of Semantic Work Environments
* Standards and Semantic Work Environments
* Teaching Principles of Semantic Work Environments
Outlook related Chapters
* Semantic Work Environment Trends
* Semantic Work Environments in 5, 10, and 25 years
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before October 1,
2006, a 2-5 page manuscript proposal clearly explaining the mission and
concerns of the proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be
notified by November 1, 2006 about the status of their proposals and sent
chapter organizational guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be
submitted by January 31, 2007. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a
double-blind review basis. The book is scheduled to be published by Idea
Group Inc.,, publisher of the Idea Group
Publishing, Information Science Publishing, IRM Press, CyberTech Publishing
and Idea Group Reference imprints.
Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document) or
by mail to:
Joerg Rech
Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE)
Fraunhofer-Platz 1
67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Tel.: +49 631/6800-2210
Fax.: +49 631/6800-1599
email: joerg.rech at
J?rg Rech
Project Manager and Scientist
Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE)
Tel.: +49 631/6800-2210 email: <mailto:joerg.rech at>
joerg.rech at
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